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Primary School

"We are a school first and foremost and proud of our student and their achievements."


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"We are a school first and foremost and proud of our
students and their achievements."

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Beech Class

Welcome to Beech Class. Our classroom is also located in Marland Primary's new purpose-built classroom building next to Oak Class. These are both the oldest classes in school where pupils are in year 6/7. Pupils then transition to the Secondary School site at the end of this academic year.


This spring term, we are studying a history topic about the Shang Dynasty.  We'll be finding out all about how people lived during this period, their links in History, how they lived, food, where they were located, modern day Chinese writing and plenty more. There will be lots of opportunities in this topic to learn through arts and crafts and other practical activities.  


Elsewhere in the curriculum, we will continue to practise our times tables on Tommys Trek Times tables and will be studying multiplicative reasoning, shape, measure, fractions and sequences in maths. We will also be continuing our English skills with a fiction unit about the King of Fishes which is a traditional Chinese themed tale linked in to our Shang Dynasty topic.


We also have cricket lessons each week with Devon Cricket, tennis lessons at ARC and after half-term we will be back to our weekly swimming. In the kitchen we are continuing to enjoy learning different cooking skills cooking a range of food under the theme of British traditional meals, making such things as scones, victoria sponge and toad in the hole.


Beech Class enjoy visits to our school woods to take part in forest school activities including den building, tracking skills and forest craft activities. 



We hope you enjoy looking and finding out more about Beech Class!
