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Primary School

"We are a school first and foremost and proud of our student and their achievements."


Welcome to Primary School

"We are a school first and foremost and proud of our
students and their achievements."

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Oak Class

Welcome to Oak Class.


This autumn term, we are studying a science topic about the Classification of Living Things. We'll be finding out about how different living things can be classified into groups based on the characteristics they share, and finding out more about some of these different groups. We will hopefully be visiting RHS Rosemoor to support our topic learning.


Elsewhere in the curriculum, we will continue to practise our times tables on TT Rock Stars and will be revising our knowledge of the number system in maths. We will also be continuing to sharpen up our English skills with a creative writing fiction unit called 'City of Silence'


On top of all this, we find the time to swim weekly, rustle up a range of delicious meals and snacks in our Friday cooking sessions, and sharpen our forest school skills at Marland's very own woodland near our residential school site.


Have a look around to see what we've been up to.
