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Primary School

"We are a school first and foremost and proud of our student and their achievements."


Welcome to Primary School

"We are a school first and foremost and proud of our
students and their achievements."

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Orange Class

Welcome to Orange Class. 


This Autumn term, Orange Class are learning about Settlements. We will learn where people choose to settle, what natural features and resources are needed for a settlement and why settlements are called what they are. We'll look at various kinds of land use and how settlements are linked. 


Throughout all of our topic, we'll be using atlases and Streetview to help our learning.

Orange class are going to be learning all about settlements this term. 


In English, we'll be creating an information text about wildlife in our local environment.


In Maths, Orange class will be learning about addition and subtraction before moving on to shape.


In Science, we'll be learning about the different states of matter.


In Cooking, we'll be learning how to measure and weigh ingredients.


