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Primary School

"We are a school first and foremost and proud of our student and their achievements."


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"We are a school first and foremost and proud of our
students and their achievements."

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In the Classroom


Term 1

Red class are currently reading Diary of a Killer Cat, as per our class topic, Animals including Humans. We are sequencing, predicting, describing, retelling and recounting through writing and within our small world area. We are going to explore capital letters, full stops and tenses. Stay tuned for our 'big writes' below. We are highly differentiated, not only through support, but by adapting every pupil to an individual curriculum, to help them learn at their own individual pace.


We will also be using virtual reality as literary hooks in literacy, not only to aid engagement, but to enhance and develop social and emotional development, while allowing for pupils to distinguish fantasy from reality. Cross-curricular learning is also very beneficial for our understanding and transference of knowledge.


Red class are exploring phase 2-4 phonics! Using sensory based experiences, we have been mark making sounds and CVC words into a number of differing resources, from sand and dough, to glitter and spaghetti!


Every day, Red class explore our sound bag to find the sound of the day, before forming our new sounds and associated CVC words in such materials alike! Some pupils are now even using whiteboards and pens to form CVC words an short sentences during our daily phonics input! We pride ourselves on the ability to incorporate fun, sensory-based, real-life experiences into our phonics learning, in bids to make phonics teaching a memorable, joyful experience – laying the foundations for reading for pleasure.


Recently, we have been working alongside SALT and have been practising mirror play, all in efforts to support the boys' speech and communication.


Term 1

This term, Red class are exploring the number system. We will be using a number of physical and manipulative resources to aid our progress in numeracy, as well as relatable, visual images such as literary characters or animals, as per our topic, allowing for transference of knowledge, also.


We are all at different levels and therefore the boys' learning tasks are highly differentiated, from lower KS1 level to KS2!

Science and Topic

Term 1

This term, Red class are learning about Animals including humans!


We are using sensory experiences and real-life experiences, enhancing our fine/gross motor skills, hand-eye co-ordination and senses to explore Animals including Humans. We are also using extra-curricular subjects such as cooking and forest school to consolidate our learning in this regard. 


We are also developing our teamwork skills through foundational subjects. 


Over in PSHE, we are exploring Healthy Me. The boys are going to identify healthy lifestyles, planning and preparing a healthy meal in DT and cooking. 
