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Primary School

"We are a school first and foremost and proud of our student and their achievements."


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Outdoor learning

Forest School

Term 3


This term we have been exploring forest school through a science lens. We have conducted flower hunts (wild and garden) and tree hunts, as well as planted seeds at forest school. We have also collected a number of wild flowers as part of foraging and art.

Term 2


This term, we are using forest school to conduct bird watching for National Bird Watching week, identifying birds and their habitats. We have also made bird feeders and food to plant at forest school, to help our flying friends!


Recently, we have been identifying micro-habitats at forest school before conducting bug hunts. I wonder where we might find our favourite insects?


We are very excited for our trip to the farm, where we can hand out our own leaflets we have made in literacy, about animal care!

Term 1


This term, Red class have utilised the outdoors to enhance their learning across the core and foundation subjects. As per our Space topic and science focus, weather and seasons, Red class have been measuring rainfall, temperature and shadows, using their maths skills to read in centimetres.


We have also enjoyed using the outdoors to identify leaves and trees. We have noticed how different both the leaves and trees look each month, linking to our seasons focus.

