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Primary School

"We are a school first and foremost and proud of our student and their achievements."


Welcome to Primary School

"We are a school first and foremost and proud of our
students and their achievements."

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Oak Class

Welcome to Oak Class.


For the summer term, we are studying a geography-based topic about our locality titled 'Where I Live'. We will be using maps and the internet to understand our location relative to the rest of the UK and the world, and will be focusing on how localities change over time and the reasons which drive these changes. Part of this topic will involve a local case-study of the old Torrington Dairy, and we will be out in Torrington doing some field-work to help us understand these changes and their impact on the people living around the town. 


Elsewhere in the curriculum, we will continue to practise our times tables on TT Rock Stars and will be finishing off our work on decimals before turning our attention to money and time. We will also be continuing to sharpen up our English skills with a fiction unit based upon the traditional tale, 'King of the Fishes'.


On top of all this, we find the time to swim weekly, rustle up a range of delicious meals and snacks in our Friday cooking sessions, and sharpen our forest school skills at Marland's very own woodland near our residential school site.


Have a look around to see what we've been up to.
